公益財団法人 医学教育振興財団 | JMEF

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Message from the President

OGAWA Hideoki, MD, PhD
President, Japan Medical Education Foundation

Japan Medical Education Foundation (JMEF), was authorized in 1979 as an Incorporated foundation by the then Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture.
The mission is to contribute to the advancement of medicine and human welfare through improving medical education. JMEF conducts thorough research into the situation of medical education including post-clinical training in the world and provides the results of the research not only to medical schools but also widely to society.
In 2013 JMEF was authorized by the Prime Minister as a public interest incorporated foundation. 82 medical schools in Japan composing membership of JMEF actively participate in the activities as follows:

Forum for Medical Education Leaders & Administrators:
Launched in 1987, this forum is held once a year with nearly 150 participants of deans and members of the medical education committees from medical schools. Up-to-date topics are taken for lectures and discussions to improve medical education and to realize smooth management and administration of medical schools. Guest speakers are usually invited from overseas, namely UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Thailand, etc.

Annual Study Visit to Medical School in Japan:
This study visit has been held once a year at a chosen medical school since 1981. The two-day program is composed of lectures, discussions and facility tours. What makes this program most attractive is that it allows the students of the hosting school to participate in the discussions. The participants can share the students’ actual educational experiences and exchange views on the topics.

Clinical Elective Attachment Program in the UK:
This program has been arranged for Japanese medical students to have four-week clinical training at medical schools in the UK. It started in March 1990, and since then over 450 medical students from 77 Japanese medical schools have studied in the UK through this program.

Research Grant for Medical Education:
This grant, launched in 1979, is a competitive research funding aimed at contributing to the development of medical education in Japan. The total number of projects adopted topped 180.

The Award for excellence in medical Education “Kaketa Award”:
Kaketa Award, established in 1996, is given to young and promising researchers who have notable research achievements. The total number of awardees is 34.

Japan is now confronted with various issues, including the impact of COVID-19, declining birthrate and increasing aging society. Under such circumstances, JMEF will work to contribute toward improving medical education and fostering outstanding medical doctors who are able to respond to society’s medical needs.

Latest News


Apr. 1979JMEF authorized as an incorporated foundation by the Ministry of Education,
Science, Sports and Culture
May 1979 Dr KAKETA Katsumi elected as the first president of JMEF
Oct. 1980 The 1st International Medical Education Symposium held in Tokyo
Nov. 1981 The 1st Annual Study Visit to a Medical School in Japan held at the University of Tsukuba
May 1984 The first edition of “J.M.E.F.”, a PR magazine, published
Sep. 1985 The 1st Regional Symposium held in Tohoku University School of Medicine
Jun. 1986 The International Medical Education Meeting held in Kyoto and Kurashiki
Jan. 1987 The 1st Medical Education Leaders Seminar held in Tokyo
Sep. 1987 “Kawasaki Green College Fellowship” program launched
Mar. 1990 Clinical Elective Attachment Program in the UK launched
Mar. 1996 Dr YOSHIOKA Morimasa elected as the second present of JMEF
Jul. 1996 The 1st Kaketa Award presented
Sep. 1996 Dr TAKAKU Fumimaro elected as the third president of JMEF
Oct. 2002 Anglo-Japanese Conference on Medical Education in the 21st Century held in the UK
Oct. 2005 Anglo-Japanese Conference on Medical Education 2005 held in Tokyo
Mar. 2013 JMEF authorized by the Prime minister as a public interest incorporated foundation
Apr. 2013 Dr OGAWA Hideoki inaugurated as the fourth president of JMEF
Jul. 2019 Special Session “Comparison between Japanese and English medical education systems”
presented by JMEF at The 51st Japan Educational Research Association Meeting in Kyoto

Activities / JMEF Members

Forum for Medical Education Leaders & Administrators:
・This forum is held once a year with nearly 150 participants of deans and members of the medical education committee from medical schools to discuss various issues in medical education to improve medical education and to realize smooth management and administration of medical schools.
・The one-day program consists of keynote lectures, short lectures and a panel discussion. Keynote speakers are usually invited from overseas, namely UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Thailand, etc.
・This forum was launched in 1987.
 List of Speakers (19th – 35th)
・In July 2024, the 35th forum was held with the theme of “Ideal Participatory Clinical Training after Medical Practitioners’ Act Amendment”.
 Schedule of 35th Forum

Annual Study Visit to a Medical School in Japan:
・This study visit has been held once a year at a chosen medical school whose faculty members introduce innovative ways of medical education as well as its characteristic features to participants from medical schools across Japan.
・The two-day program consists of lectures, discussions and facility tours. What makes this program most attractive is that it allows the students of the hosting school to participate in a group discussion. The participants can share the students’ actual educational experiences and discuss the topics in medical education.
・The first annual study visit was held at the University of Tsukuba in 1981.
・The 41st Study Visit was held from 7th to 8th September 2023 at Toho University Faculty of Medicine.
 List of Host Medical Schools (1st -41st)

Clinical Elective Attachment Programme in the UK:
・This is a four-week clinical elective programme that has been arranged to help Japanese medical students experience clinical training in medical schools in the UK.
・Elective Applications are considered by JMEF Elective Selection Committee on the basis of screening application documents and interviews.
・This program was launched in 1990 at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and the University of Leicester with the suggestion of the then GMC President. Since then over 450 medical students from 77 Japanese medical schools have studied in the UK through this programme.
Reports on Clinical Elective Attachment Programme in the UK (2024)
 Number of Accepted Elective Students (1990-2024)

Kawasaki/Green Templeton College Fellowship Programme:
・JMEF offers this fellowship to faculties in Japanese medical schools who are hoping to undertake research in the UK. Through this programme, they are provided with an opportunity to be based in Green Templeton College of the University of Oxford and to undertake research in medicine or health service management/economics.
・Awardees are granted a part of the expenses that will occur during the fellowship period.
・Depending on his/her research, those who are given this fellowship can continue his/her research for three months up to one year.
・This programme was launched in 1987 by the kindness of Load J. WALTON, the then principal of Green College and President of General Medical Council, and Kawasaki Gakuen.
 List of Awardees of Fellowship

Research Grant for Medical Education:
・This grant is a competitive research funding aimed at contributing to the development of medical education in Japan.
・Researchers belonging to Japanese medical schools may apply for the grant. The schedule is set up in order to enable research projects to commence from the beginning of the fiscal year. The call for proposal takes place in September of the previous year. The application deadline is early December and adoption is considered by JMEF Research Review Committee based on the application document.
・This grant was launched in 1979. Since then the number of projects adopted is over 200. During FY2024, 9 projects are being conducted.
 List of Awardees

Kaketa Award:
・Kaketa Award was established in 1996 as a memorial to Dr KAKETA, the first president of JMEF.
・This award is given to promising young researchers who have notable research achievements.
・The total number of awardees is 34.
 List of Awardees of Kaketa Award

JMEF Executive Members / Committee Members / Organizational Structure:
List of Executive Members (as of 1st October 2024)
List of Committee Members (as of 9th August 2024)
Organizational Structure of JMEF


Address: Ochanomizu HY (Chasu) Building 7th Floor, 1-9-15 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0034 JAPAN
TEL: +81-(0)3-3815-3895
FAX: +81-(0)3-3815-3896

About 5 minutes walk from the stations below:
Ohanomizu Station: JR Chuo Line or Sōbu Line / Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line
Shin-ochanomizu Station: Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line
