公益財団法人 医学教育振興財団 | JMEF

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【NEW】Application Procedures for 2024 Kawasaki/Green College (JMEF) Fellowship Programme posted

You can check the overview of this programme from Activities.


【NEW】Reports on Clinical Elective Attachment Programme in the UK (March, May & June 2024) posted

You can check the 15 reports and the details of this program from Activities / JMEF Members.
They are written by students who visited Newcastle University, St George’s, University of London, Glasgow University and the University of Leeds in March, May and June 2024.


Information on 35th Forum for Medical Education Leaders & Administrators updated

You can check the details of this forum from Activities.


List of Kaketa Award updated

You can check the list of the awardee from here.

You can also check the details of this program from Activities.


List of Awardees of Research Grant for Medical Education updated

You can check the list of the awardees and themes from FY2019 to FY2024 from here.

You can also check the details of this program from Activities.


Presentations by awardees of Research Grant for Medical Education

Research results obtained by the Research Grant for Medical Education were presented online on 16th December 2022 with around 30 participants including FY 2021’s awardees of the grants, staff of Medical Education Division of MEXT, and members of Japan Medical Education Foundation (JMEF). This grant, launched in 1979 by JMEF, is a competitive research funding aimed at contributing to the fostering of researchers in medical education and the development of medical education in Japan.

The presentation was moderated by Dr MAENO Tetsuhiro, Director of JMEF, and the presentations are as follows:

Names of Awardees Titles of the Presentations
KOBAYASHI Tomoko, MD, PhD (Tohoku University)Development and dissemination of medical education programs to promote understanding of “genetic medicine / genomic medicine”
(Shinshu University)
Designing the Post Clinical Clerkship Objective Structured Clinical Examination in Patient Safety based on WHO curriculum guide
(Fukushima Medical University)
A comprehensive redefinition of “physicians’ leadership in the health care team” in line with Japanese culture
SATO Yukio, MD, PhD
(Keio University)
The development of cadaver surgical training course with virtual reality on invasive procedures
YASUI Youichi, MD, PhD
(Teikyo University)
Virtual reality (VR) training on how to put on and take off personal protective equipment is as effective as handson training: an open-label, randomized controlled trial.
(Kansai Medical University)
What kind of supports do remedial medical students required?
AOKI Shigeki, MD, PhD
(Juntendo University)
Development of Advanced Brain Anatomy Practice for Prediction and Reflection: Application of MRI and AI
  Participants in the presentations

19th JMEF Alumni association meeting held

On August 27th, the 19th annual meeting was held online by the JMEF Alumni association, consisting of participants in the four-week clinical elective attachment program at medical schools in the UK.  Over 40 alumni and members of JMEF gathered at the meeting. Ms. TERASHIMA Rika, chief organizer of the meeting and dispatched to the University of Oxford in FY 2019, hosted the meeting.

First, Dr. OGAWA, President of JMEF, delivered the opening address with the good news that JMEF has resumed this program in FY2022.

Next, alumni members in various fields made presentations about the following topics:
 International Health (by Mr. TAKAMATSU Masamitsu, dispatched to Newcastle University in FY2014)
 Clinical Study abroad (by Ms. SAKUMA Maki, dispatched to the University of Oxford in FY2018)
 Studying Abroad (by Dr. ASAGUMO Anri, dispatched to the University of Oxford in FY2014)
 International Medical Education (By Dr. SAEGUSA-BEECROFT Emi, dispatched to the University of Southampton in FY2000)

The event was successfully closed after a closing speech by Dr. KITAMURA, Executive Director of JMEF.

Alumni Photo1
Alumni Photo2

Application for Clinical Elective Attachment Programme in the UK in March/June 2023 started

You can check the overview of this programme from Activities.


Results obtained by Research Grant for Medical Education presented online

Research results obtained by the Research Grant for Medical Education were presented online on 7th December 2021 with around 30 participants including FY 2020’s awardees of the grants, members of Japan Medical Education Foundation (JMEF) and staff of Medical Education Division, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). This grant, launched in 1979 by JMEF, is a competitive research funding aimed at contributing to the development of medical education in Japan.

The presentation was moderated by Dr. MAENO Tetsuhiro, Director of JMEF and Professor at the University of Tsukuba, and the presentations are as follows:

Names of Awardees Titles of the Presentations
NOMURA Osamu, M.D., M.A., Ph.D. (Hirosaki University)Development and Validation of Japanese Version of Script Concordance Test
MATSUDA Yoko, M.D., Ph.D. (Kagawa University)Pathology education using whole slide images with corporation to other institutes
AOKI Shuntaro, Ph.D. (Fukushima Medical University)What non-verbal communication is used in medical interviews?
Preliminary analysis of medical interview videos using machine learning


Results obtained by the Research Grant for Medical Education presented online

Research results obtained by the Research Grant for Medical Education were presented online on Dec.16 with more than 30 participants including FY 2019’s awardees of the grants,  members of Japan Medical Education Foundation (JMEF) and staff of Medical Education Division, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. This grant, launched in 1979 by JMEF, is a competitive research funding aimed at contributing to the development of medical education in Japan.
The Presentation was moderated by Dr. Tetsuhiro Maeno, Professor at University of Tsukuba, and the presentations are as follows.

Names of Awardees Titles of the presentations
Toshiharu Mitsuhashi (Okayama University Hospital)Research on improvement of learning effect when peer instruction is added to epidemiology / statistics exercises
Jun Suenaga
(Yokohama City University)
Development of modified Thiel’s method for head and neck cadaver surgical training
Masakazu Komatsu (Kurume University)The effect of cooperative learning (LTD)-based PBL for medical education
Akiteru Takamura (Kanazawa Medical University)Curriculum Development of a Pre-clinical Clinical Reasoning Class and Skill Practice by Combining Active Learning Strategies
Shoko Horita
(The University of Tokyo)
Development of Educational Methods for Medical Students Based on Analysis of Academic and Daily-Life Factors Predicting Important Educational Outcomes
